Saturday, January 5, 2013

Different children

My new baby girl, Lily who is 3 1/2 months old is already developing very differently from our older son Riley.  When Riley was a baby we were not sure what he could and could not see so when Lily was born without Albinism, it was like having a baby for the first time.  She sees everything!  If you leave her for more than a few minutes, she notices and cries.  Riley never seemed to notice.  Lily at age 2 months old was smiling constantly when Eric and I smiled or whenever she saw one of us.  I don't remember Riley doing this that early.  Lily is babbling and trying to talk/sing from 2 months old.  She already is a very social baby.  I just remember Riley being different from very early on.  Since he was our first child we didn't know any better so when we went to the doctor we assumed everything was ok.  I love Riley but I know now that he was different from early on and he has always needed extra help.  Luckily, Riley was diagnosed with Albinism at one day old so we entered an early intervention program at 2 months of age.  Even for tummy time and rolling over he needed a lot of physical therapy.  He needed help with rolling over, sitting up and crawling because of his low vision.  Lily is a whole new ball game.  I am hoping she continues on the normal developmental track or even ahead of schedule. I know it is not my fault but it is hard to not feel guilty.  Sometimes I think, maybe I worked too much or didn't play with Riley enough.  I know this is all not true.  Riley has a genetic mutation that caused his Autism and nothing I did would have changed things. I have two different children and as of right now my son needs extra help and attention. I love my children and will continue to do what is best for them. I am taking a leave of absence from work to spend more time with Lily and to take Riley to a new intense program at the end of the month.  I am very excited about the new program, but until then I will enjoy my two beautiful kids.


  1. You are an amazing mommy. You will do what you can for both Lily and Riley. You will find what works best for each child. And no guilt mama. All you can is be there for your children and be an advocate for them. I have one child with Albinism and I have guilt for a variety of reasons. It comes with being a mom so don't put too much pressure on yourself.

    1. Thanks for all the words. I am learning as I go...
