Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What a difference a year makes...

I have been behind in posting since I am getting ready for a trip Eric and I will be taking without the kids. It will be my first trip away from the baby so I am anxious but it will be a nice break.

When I think about how Riley was a year ago we can see a bunch of improvements, ecspecially at home. Not sure if this is from aging, preschool, vitamin and fish oil supplements, or something else. He is calmer and able to sit a pay attention longer. He hasn't had a big tantrum/breakdown in quite a while. He has minor ones here and there when he doesn't get what he wants. He also eats dinner better and is eating more things. We just kept pushing him and now dinner time is a lot less stressful. He also is signing more which makes him a little less frustrated. All of these things make for a happier mom and dad. We also are able to take him to restaurants again. We have avoided them for 6 months because it was such a nightmare. I just loved when my son was having a meltdown and everyone in the restaurant stared at us like we were bad parents. It used to be at some restaurants we could sit for 5 minutes, play his music and wait it out. He would be fine. Some restaurants though, as soon as we sat he screamed and cried and we would have to get up and leave. Here is to hoping this continues.

We are very excited about our intensive ABA program that we start at the end of the month. Hopefully we will see some major improvements. I am hopeful that the program will really help Riley. We have tried a few ABA things with him and he responds well. Hopefully next year I will be able to write this again with even more improvements.

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